
サダコの照れ屋の照れてれマスク #8

/// a versatile mini couch-mask which can be used as hairband, sleeping mask,

a mini couch when you wanna take a nap or rest your head on your desk after lunch,

a mini couch again when you need to lean your head against the wall while taking  a nap during commuting. ///


サダコの照れ屋の照れてれマスク #7

/// not really a shy-on-shy mask. in contrary, a considerate mask for you who wanna wear a mask yet don't want the mask to be covering your face which your are honestly proud of showing off (my apologies that sadako is incapable of giving a proper demonstration here). a minimal mask design made with nude-coloured mesh, and some bling-bling to glorify your winks. ///


サダコの照れ屋の照れてれマスク #6

/// tears for mother earth... although they look more like crocodile tears... ///

nikki #13

/// a very important thing reminded by the button that dropped from my new shirt: there's nothing that doesn't disappear in this universe. so embrace it while you can. ///